Children's Outreach Ministries

This program is offered, free of charge, at Hancock Courts in Lawrence, and at New Hope Methodist Church in the Arlington District. Our after school endeavor encourages and rewards youngsters with good school grades and accomplishments, and provides lunch and activities during school breaks. Nutritious lunches, snacks, fun-filled activities and nearby outings are offered to the children in the summer.

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Kid's Spot

A Special program for children from preschool through grade 5 offered during Easter and Christmas vacations. An opportunity to learn the significance of these seasons through stories, music and crafts.


Special Programs

Delegates from member churches began a series of special programs in 1997 when it was learned that many Lawrence children did not have socks. Socks were collected by Delegates of the Council and distributed by various agencies throughout the city. In 1998, over 10,000 items of children's underwear were collected for distribution. In 1999 socks and under wear were distributed in what is becoming a traditional outreach for our Delegates


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